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The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s
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Celebrations > The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s Salutes Hadia Diallo
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The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s Salutes Hadia Diallo

The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s Salutes Hadia Diallo

Hadia Diallo is from Guinea, West Africa. Her life, however, has taken her many thousands of miles from Guinea, but always to return home again. She was educated in her homeland, and later in the United States having attended Howard University and graduating from Syracuse University. She worked for years in Guinea before retiring in recent years. Her work with persons in her homeland is commendable as she works to assist young mothers to learn to care for their children. She recently visted with the Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s founder and shared her story while listening to stories of others. The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s salutes Hadia Diallo and invites you to learn from her, and with her. Hadia Diallo is shown here with a floral gift that she received while visiting the Santa Barbara, California home of local floral and landscape designer, Lynn Adams.


“Our solutions are bigger than any one profession or job. We must reclaim our interconnections and learn to freely share information with each other, and to support the success of a new generation. We must create connections and collaborations. Our goal must be to move this system in the direction of caring what happens to persons who need it the most, and we must take our place in that effort. We will find a way to make a difference!"


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Save The Date: May 27, 2023 - Annual Villager Awards

Tickets Available at:
