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Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s Salutes Rev Rogers

Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s Salutes Rev Rogers

The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s salutes "Rev. Jerome Rogers" for his work in the community, his family,and his church. Reverend Rogers often speaks of his family and his life growing up and tells a story that is inspirational to all of us. He has become an anchor to his family and to his community and has lived a life filled with experiences that can be valuable for others to hear. He earned both a bachelors and master's degree, and impacted on the lives of many through his teaching. Rev. Rogers is one of the Associate ministers at Hashaway Community C.M.E. Church, Long Beach, California where Rev. Brian Reese is the senior pastor.


“Our solutions are bigger than any one profession or job. We must reclaim our interconnections and learn to freely share information with each other, and to support the success of a new generation. We must create connections and collaborations. Our goal must be to move this system in the direction of caring what happens to persons who need it the most, and we must take our place in that effort. We will find a way to make a difference!"


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Save The Date: May 27, 2023 - Annual Villager Awards

Tickets Available at:
