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Nursing Sorority Seeking More Members

Nursing Sorority Seeking More Members

Randall Sullivan RN, and Dr. Gloria Willingham-Toure' are both founding members Psi Eta Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority Inc, Long Beach. Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority Inc was formed when a group of African-American nurses came together in Washington D.C. at a time when many states in this country did not have an African-American nurse. These founding nurses shared commitment to a common motto: "Service for Humanity." Since its humble beginning, this nursing sorority has grown to become one of the nation's premier professional nursing organizations. It is the "village" that has sent forth persons who have founded and/or participated in many other organizations and initiatives. The southern California Chapters are best known for the active participation and leadership of members in the "Great Beginnings for Black Babies" program. Psi Eta Chapter, Long Beach is credited with establishing the first "Village of Mentors" project and hosted the first meeting in that regard at California State University, Dominguez Hills in 2005. The "Village of Mentors" projects are facilitated by The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s as a means of creating community-based support systems and networks within African-American communities. It is projected that such systems and networks will lead to an increase in the numbers of African-Americans entering nursing at every level, increase in the numbers of African-Americans reaching leadership and positions of influence in nursing, an increase in the numbers of African-American student nurses who graduate, and an increase in the services provided to their communities of origin, by African-American nurses and students. To learn more about the Village of Mentors and how you can be involved visit the Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s website at http://www.villageprojects.net, or email villageprojects@aol.com. To learn more about Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority and how you can become a member, visit http://www.chietaphi.com,or email nhsd99@aol.com Shown here are Randall "Randy" Sullivan, Director-Programs and Projects, Psi Eta Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority Inc; and Dr. Gloria J. Willingham PhD, RN -President, Psi Eta Chapter. Ms. Sullivan and Dr. Willingham both serve as members of the Community Advisory Board of The Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s


“Our solutions are bigger than any one profession or job. We must reclaim our interconnections and learn to freely share information with each other, and to support the success of a new generation. We must create connections and collaborations. Our goal must be to move this system in the direction of caring what happens to persons who need it the most, and we must take our place in that effort. We will find a way to make a difference!"


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Save The Date: May 27, 2023 - Annual Villager Awards

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